Saturday, March 24, 2012


MARCH 24TH, 2012

[6:02:11 PM] Pretty Jean says: hello...
[6:02:52 PM] Pretty Jean says: Thanks be to GOD.
[6:03:04 PM] Pretty Jean says: You're prettier than me.
[6:03:12 PM] Pretty Jean says: You're prettier than I am.
[6:05:18 PM] Pretty Jean says: importance of eating chocolates
[6:06:25 PM] Pretty Jean says: Do u have any stories to read?
[6:06:57 PM] anny-wya says: betha's secret battle
[6:07:35 PM] Pretty Jean says: battle
[6:07:37 PM] Pretty Jean says: beetle
[6:07:40 PM] Pretty Jean says: bottle
[6:07:41 PM] anny-wya says: skill
[6:08:12 PM] Pretty Jean says: competition
[6:08:14 PM] Pretty Jean says: war
[6:08:19 PM] Pretty Jean says: combat
[6:08:34 PM] Pretty Jean says: conflict
[6:08:36 PM] Pretty Jean says: battle
[6:09:33 PM] Pretty Jean says: Bertha's
[6:10:47 PM] anny-wya says: Secret tactics
[6:11:17 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "bertha.jpg" to members of this chat

[6:14:31 PM] anny-wya says: Fiona
[6:15:03 PM] anny-wya says: EXCATLY
[6:15:10 PM] Pretty Jean says: exactly
[6:15:40 PM] anny-wya says: cottage
[6:16:23 PM] anny-wya says: shed
[6:17:33 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "dwarfs-ca.jpg" to members of this chat

[6:18:18 PM] anny-wya says: hall
[6:18:24 PM] Pretty Jean says: town
[6:18:31 PM] Pretty Jean says: townhall
[6:18:39 PM] Pretty Jean says: town hall
[6:19:21 PM] anny-wya says: wrestling compitition
[6:21:16 PM] anny-wya says: fairplay
[6:22:42 PM] Pretty Jean says: came
[6:25:51 PM] anny-wya says: cruncher
[6:25:59 PM] Pretty Jean says: crunch
[6:27:15 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "Bonecruncher.jpg" to members of this chat

[6:27:37 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "Bonecruncher_in-game_screen_(
BBC).png" to members of this chat

[6:29:42 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "Ncc_crunches.JPG" to members of this chat

[6:29:48 PM] Pretty Jean says: crunch
[6:29:57 PM] Pretty Jean says: those are crunches
[6:30:13 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "FloorCrunch.JPG" to members of this chat

[6:31:50 PM] Pretty Jean says: crunch exercise
[6:31:56 PM] Pretty Jean says: crunch exercises
[6:32:48 PM] Pretty Jean says: Physical Education
[6:33:16 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "crunch chocolates.jpg" to members of this chat

[6:34:33 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "cc.jpg" to members of this chat

[6:36:22 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "Covered Caramelized Matzoh.jpg" to members of this chat

[6:36:58 PM] Pretty Jean says: dairy products
[6:38:59 PM] anny-wya says: crowd
[6:39:12 PM] anny-wya says: yelled
[6:42:35 PM] Pretty Jean says: wrestle
[6:43:06 PM] Pretty Jean says: hall
[6:43:13 PM] Pretty Jean says: ye
[6:43:15 PM] Pretty Jean says: yeah
[6:43:18 PM] Pretty Jean says: yelled
[6:43:38 PM] Pretty Jean says: What'
[6:43:52 PM] Pretty Jean says: What's the importance of eating chocolates?
[6:44:50 PM] Pretty Jean says: relax
[6:44:58 PM] Pretty Jean says: Why is Dark Chocolate Healthy?:

Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These benefits are from flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries). Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide, and balance certain hormones in the body.
[6:45:36 PM] Pretty Jean says: it contains
[6:45:48 PM] Pretty Jean says: benefits
[6:48:35 PM] Pretty Jean says: modification
[6:48:42 PM] Pretty Jean says: NOT
[6:48:46 PM] Pretty Jean says: moderation
[6:49:15 PM] anny-wya says: limit
[6:50:17 PM] Pretty Jean says: your body will become a barrel
[6:50:33 PM] anny-wya says: chobby
[6:50:37 PM] Pretty Jean says: chubby
[6:51:27 PM] Pretty Jean sent file "Schaenke_im_Schottenhammel_Fa
esser_Zapfzeug.JPG" to members of this chat

[6:53:29 PM] Pretty Jean says: ???????????
[6:54:47 PM] Pretty Jean says: I understood a bit.
[6:55:01 PM] Pretty Jean says: vocabulary
[6:55:39 PM] Pretty Jean says: I respect her much.
[6:57:34 PM] Pretty Jean says: u run out of ur words
[6:58:30 PM] anny-wya says: in a pile
[6:58:42 PM] Pretty Jean says: NOT pail
[6:58:47 PM] Pretty Jean says: payl
[6:58:49 PM] Pretty Jean says: pile
[6:58:51 PM] Pretty Jean says: payl
[6:59:34 PM] Pretty Jean says:
[7:00:01 PM] Pretty Jean says: See u on March 31st, 2012 at 6P.M.

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