Wednesday, March 28, 2012


For everyone to know what ONLINE TUTORING IS,  I've decided to write this blog.

Here's how defines ONLINE TUTORING.
" Online tutoring is the process of tutoring in an online, virtual environment or networked environment in which teachers and learners are separated by time and space. Online tutoring, as a reflection of the diversity of the wider Internet, is practiced using many different approaches and is addressed to distinct sets of users. The distinctions are in online content and interface, as well as in tutoring and tutor-training methodologies. Definitions associated with online tutoring vary widely, reflecting the ongoing evolution of the technology, the refinement and variation in online learning methodology, and the interactions of the organisations that deliver online tutoring services with the institutions, individuals, and learners that employ the services. This form of Internet service is a classical micropublishing situation.  "

You may read more about it by following this link.

As an educator, a mentor, a professor, an ONLINE TEACHER, an ONLINE TRAINER, and an ONLINE TUTOR, I also have my own definition of what ONLINE TUTORING is.

Here's how I define the term ONLINE TUTORING.

Online Tutoring Facts

Online tutoring is a recent evolving field. Tutors use whiteboards much like classroom blackboards to communicate (draw, write etc.) with their students. The sessions are often interactive, with both student and tutor able to participate freely via video and audio connectivity. The software includes an interactive whiteboard, VOIP and text based chat.

The internet offers sophisticated and state-of-the-art technologies a tutor may use in assisting a learner. An online tutor needs more complicated abilities and  competence to be able to do a multi-task ONLINE teaching. An ONLINE TUTOR or TEACHER DOES NOT ONLY GIVE HOMEWORK ASSISTANCE BUT MOST OF ALL, SHE MUST BE A PARTNER OF THE COMMUNITY, THE SCHOOL AND THE FAMILY OF THE LEARNER IN DEVELOPING AND ENHANCING THE LEARNER'S PERSONALITY, CONFIDENCE, ACADEMIC, SOCIAL, INTELLIGENCES, THINKING, COMMUNICATION, COMPUTER, AND EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS.

A LIVE ONLINE TUTOR is a teacher who LISTENS TO HER STUDENT WHILE DISCUSSING  the academic subjects to be learned ONLINE. A live online tutor is always in the ONLINE CLASSROOM to guide, interact, explain if needed, talk when needs arise, analyze, evaluate, and give the wants of the learner as well as to bring to mind pedagogical suggestions and recommendations.

The use of LIVE ONLINE TUTORS in TEACHING ONLINE is pioneered by Jean Ayende Totanes who saw the potential of developing the person's MULTI-INTELLIGENCES and PERSONALITY through internet interaction. She left her position at an International School in the Philippines just to start TEACHING ONLINE in 2006.

She found out that even the whole family of her student joins in the learning process online. They enjoy the comfort of their own home as well as the state-of-the-art technology they can find on the net. Learning is fun and much easier because of the availability of the materials and the equipment. "

For more information about ONLINE TUTORING, please follow this link... 

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